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EXILE Infoshop » Blog Archive » ANARCHY AND ART: An Anarchist Tour of the National Gallery, hosted by EXILE

ANARCHY AND ART: An Anarchist Tour of the National Gallery, hosted by EXILE

October 25, 2007
6:00 pm

Join EXILE INFOSHOP for an anarchist tour of the National Gallery. The tour will be the official release for the new zine UNLEASHING THE IMAGINATION, written by Allan Antliff.

The zine details the lives and art of several anarchists whose works are featured in the Gallery’s permanent collection. It gives an account of their lengthy political and social involvements with groups established along anarchist principles of voluntary-association, egalitarianism, mutual aid, and the refusal of authority.

Some of the individuals included in the zine are Marcel Duchamp, Gustav Courbet, Camille Pissarro, Francis Picabia, Bartlett Newman, and Les Automatistes.

An objective of the tour will be to discuss the social and political role of anarchism in presenting and/or contributing to social transformation. We will also highlight the political environments where the art was produced; emphasizing the principles, ethics and radicalism that made it possible.

The tour will take approximately 2 hours.

FREE (but the zine costs 2$ if you want it).

Please email info(at)exilebooks.org, or call 613.237.9270 to RSVP and receive details.


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